
My Mom would have had her 18th real birthday yesterday.

I was thinking about her quite a bit a couple of days ago. Apparently, the commonwealth of Virginia passed a law (issued a rule? I don't know the exact method of the requirement) that made it a requirement for public high schools students to take a class in financial literacy before graduation, and the Kojo Nnamdi show was talking about the requirement.

I didn't go to public school (and didn't even live in Virginia when I was in high school), but I never got any formal teaching along those lines.

I can't say as I missed it, but that's entirely because my mom did a very good job of explaining those sorts of issues to me when I was around that age. I never really appreciated that, and how useful it's been to me in my life, until that show got me thinking about the matter.

Frankly, when I heard about the school requirement, I thought it was a fantastic idea; everyone should have a pretty good idea on how money works (especially loans). But it was yet another way that Mommy helped me out a great deal, when I didn't even realize she'd done so.

I miss you, Mommy.

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